Ivan Begić

Life, death of human character in the 21st century and the wrong normality. 

Life is like a piano in the spring—sad, emotional, but beautiful. There isn’t a right or wrong in life, there just is. We can’t fix it; we can only make it better. But when will it stop? Can you make something superficial become alive just because you want it to happen? When will the need to make things better stop? Does everything need to be better?

There is so much beauty in the world to see. Life, in itself, is the greatest gift, and perhaps love and meaning are its greatest joys. But so often, we are robbed of our right to just be, to simply be. Some have spent their lives trying to find that connection within themselves, just to find that moment of peace, that moment of peace when you know you are truly present in the moment.

Monks, philosophers, thinkers, and non-thinkers, we have all been a subject, an observer of our own thoughts. We always try, but we simply can’t escape all that mess in our heads, and yet we always try so hard to rationalize it, instead of just accepting it. Perhaps we are not meant to discover how great we can be, how liberated we can be within ourselves no matter what the circumstances are. And I often wonder why? Why do I bother so much sometimes? The truth is, I don’t know. But I do know that above all, I enjoy thinking the most. I have questioned just about everything in life. My reasoning for that has always been that I simply like to be in my own thoughts. But as I grow older, I’m more aware that I wanted to one day have the confidence in knowing that I have deserved my peace by knowing I have answered, submitted to, and conquered my doubts. My acceptance is that nothing really is normal. Nothing makes sense; there is no control. There is just a truth that life was never meant to be rational, our thoughts were never meant to be justified, love was never meant to be returned, and pain is never meant to be gone.

 I believe that all of the problems in life start when we start trying to rationalize our thoughts and trying to make them fit into so-called normality. The problem with that is what makes us unique in the first place are our crazy thoughts, ideas, and when you have shut them down enough times they will be gone and yeah, you are now able to  fit into that normality. That is simply the death of the human soul.  It is the insecurity and the ego that is often trying to keep us on the safe side of what we already know, the problem with that is that’s where the real risk lies, we need to keep our story alive and we need to invest into our self growth.  And those who do find the courage to accept the wild narrative of themselves, that inner truth that tells us how nothing really makes any sense and that knowledge divides them mentally from the majority of people that just want to live in a simple lie and pretend like there is normality.

We are meant and programmed biologically to be able to adapt and accept everything as normality, but the fear of the unknown often prevents us from exploring and addressing our wild entities, our adventurous minds, our desire to see what this is all about. Perhaps it’s because of the fear, we don’t know if that is normal or can we comprehend it. The truth is we can comprehend everything, we just need to allow ourselves enough time to fully understand the purpose of those thoughts and actions we took and combine it into our  story, and sometimes is bad and sometimes is good, but at least it’s our own story that we had the opportunity to write.  And those that know themselves better then others know that at the end of the day, the story they believe is the story that the whole world will believe if it’s told in the right way. That is why there always was and there always will be those who are remembered by history and those whose existence is forever forgotten. The hard truth is that even though everyone wants to be important, successful, fulfilled, happy, they will never get there, not because the system is corrupted, but because they can’t handle the extremely painful complexity of the truth.

Plato, in his allegory, has best explained life in its essence. Some will see the light; the majority won’t, but everyone can. Because the light is not the success in what we are sold into—career, material possessions, power—nothing external. 

Success is an elusive concept, one that is deeply personal and subjective. It is not dictated by external standards or societal norms but rather crafted and defined within the depths of our own being. Only when we embark on the journey of self-discovery and introspection, charting our own course and identifying our true aspirations, do we find the path that leads us to shine.

In this vast ocean of life, clarity becomes our compass. We must determine our destination, knowing precisely which harbour beckons us. By cultivating a clear sense of purpose and direction, we align ourselves with our authentic desires and values. It is in this alignment that we unlock the potential to thrive and radiate our unique brilliance to the world. As Jordan Peterson would say, make a plan and stick to it.

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